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Let There Be Light

YMM Devotional

Although the Corinthian church had many problems and weaknesses, Paul always helped her with love and truth. How do I face and help the weak in the body? Are you willing to greet them and bless them?

哥林多教会虽然拥有许多问题及软弱,但保罗始 终以爱及真理来帮助她。我当如何面对及帮助软 弱的肢体?你愿意主动向他们问安,并为他们祝 福吗?

Reflections and Prayer 反思祷告

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a. (16:1): ‘The collection for God’s people’. Paul was concerned about a fund that he had initiated among the Gentile churches to aid the poor of the church in Jerusalem. What can we learn from his practical instructions about the collection and sending of this money? b. What can we learn from this chapter about the plans, movement and ministry of Christian workers? c. In (16:13-14) Paul encouraged the church at Corinth on how to live? Examine your own life in order to discover in what ways you, too, need to obey these commands.

a. 1节:“为圣徒捐钱”。这种捐款是保罗在外 邦各教会中发起,用以帮助在耶路撒冷教会中的 穷人。关于募集及解送这种捐款的事情,我们从 他的指示中可以学到什么教训呢? b. 我们可以从本章有关基督仆人的计划、行踪与 事工学到什么教训呢? c. 保罗在13-14节里叮咛哥林多教会信徒应当如 何生活,让我也藉此省察自己的生活。

Reflections and Prayer 反思祷告

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a. In discussing the nature of the resurrected body, Paul compares it with “plants” (15:36-38), “animals” (15:39), and “various forms in heaven and earth” (15: 40-41). How do these comparisons give you new insights into the resurrection body? b. What will take place when Christ comes again? (15:51-52) Compare with 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18. In view of this, what did Paul advise should be the character of our present life and service?

a. 在讨论复活之身体的性质时,保罗用“植物” (36-38节)、“动物”(39节)及“天上和地上的 各种形体”(40-41节)与之比较。这些比较让你对 复活身体有什么新认识? b. 基督再来时会发生何事?(51-52节)比较帖前 4:13-18。有鉴于此,保罗勉励信徒应当如何生活与 事奉?

Reflections and Prayer 反思祷告

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