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28 June 六月| 1 Corinthians 林前 15:35–58

a. In discussing the nature of the resurrected body, Paul compares it with “plants” (15:36-38), “animals” (15:39), and “various forms in heaven and earth” (15: 40-41). How do these comparisons give you new insights into the resurrection body? b. What will take place when Christ comes again? (15:51-52) Compare with 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18. In view of this, what did Paul advise should be the character of our present life and service?

a. 在讨论复活之身体的性质时,保罗用“植物” (36-38节)、“动物”(39节)及“天上和地上的 各种形体”(40-41节)与之比较。这些比较让你对 复活身体有什么新认识? b. 基督再来时会发生何事?(51-52节)比较帖前 4:13-18。有鉴于此,保罗勉励信徒应当如何生活与 事奉?

Reflections and Prayer 反思祷告

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