8 April 四月| 1 John约壹2:12-14 |
We Are Family 我们是家人 12 I am writing to you, dear children, because your sins have been forgiven on account of his name.13 I am writing to...
8 April 四月| 1 John约壹2:12-14 |
7 April 四月| 1 John约壹2:7-11|
6 April 四月| 1 John约壹2:3-6|
5 April 四月| 1 John约壹2:1-2 |
Meditating Scriptures by “Giving Attention to Each Word of Each Verse”
4 April 四月| 1 John约壹1:8-10|
3 April 四月| 1 John约壹1:5-7|
2 April 四月| 1 John约壹1:1-4 |
Introduction to 1, 2, 3 John