31 August 八月| Luke 路7:18-23AdminAug 31, 20181 min read What exactly was the doubt in John’s mind?Do you find a clue to this perplexity in 3:16, 17?What is the significance of Jesus’ reply? Cf. Is. 35:5, 6; 61:1.约翰心中真正的疑惑是什么?你能从3:16-17找到一点关于这个困惑的线索吗?耶稣的回答有什么重大的意义?比较赛35:5,6;61:1。Reflections and Prayer 反思祷告
What exactly was the doubt in John’s mind?Do you find a clue to this perplexity in 3:16, 17?What is the significance of Jesus’ reply? Cf. Is. 35:5, 6; 61:1.约翰心中真正的疑惑是什么?你能从3:16-17找到一点关于这个困惑的线索吗?耶稣的回答有什么重大的意义?比较赛35:5,6;61:1。Reflections and Prayer 反思祷告
30 August 八月| Luke 路7:1-17v1–10. What are the characteristics of the centurion’s approach to Jesus? What can he teach us about a right attitude in prayer?...
29 August 八月| Luke 路6: 37-49v37–42. What sort of attitude towards the faults of others does Jesus prescribe, and why? What positive actions are commanded here?...
28 August 八月| Luke 路6:12-36v20–26. Contrast Jesus’ picture of a blessed life with the world’s idea of happiness. Why is a Christian happy in such circumstances?...