25 August 八月| Luke 路5:12-26AdminAug 25, 20181 min readUpdated: Sep 1, 2018 Compare the faith of the leper with that of the friends of theparalytic. Of what was the former uncertain? And how did the latter display their faith? What can we learn from these miracles about prayer?试将这个麻疯病人的信心,与那个瘫子之朋友的信心,作一对照。前者对于什么还没有把握呢?而后者如何展现他们的信心?我们从这些神迹中可以学到什么有关祷告的教训呢?v21–24. What claims are implied in Jesus’ answer to the scribes’ challenge?21-24节。耶稣对文士和法利赛人之诘问的答复中,暗示了哪些权利的宣称呢?Reflections and Prayer 反思祷告
Compare the faith of the leper with that of the friends of theparalytic. Of what was the former uncertain? And how did the latter display their faith? What can we learn from these miracles about prayer?试将这个麻疯病人的信心,与那个瘫子之朋友的信心,作一对照。前者对于什么还没有把握呢?而后者如何展现他们的信心?我们从这些神迹中可以学到什么有关祷告的教训呢?v21–24. What claims are implied in Jesus’ answer to the scribes’ challenge?21-24节。耶稣对文士和法利赛人之诘问的答复中,暗示了哪些权利的宣称呢?Reflections and Prayer 反思祷告
31 August 八月| Luke 路7:18-23What exactly was the doubt in John’s mind? Do you find a clue to this perplexity in 3:16, 17? What is the significance of Jesus’ reply?...
30 August 八月| Luke 路7:1-17v1–10. What are the characteristics of the centurion’s approach to Jesus? What can he teach us about a right attitude in prayer?...
29 August 八月| Luke 路6: 37-49v37–42. What sort of attitude towards the faults of others does Jesus prescribe, and why? What positive actions are commanded here?...