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19August 八月| Luke 路3:1-22

What, according to the preaching of John, are the cause (v7–9, 16, 17),

nature (v8, 10–14), and outcome (v3, 15–17) of repentance?

照施洗约翰的讲词,悔改的原因(7-9, 16, 17节)、

本质(8, 10-14节)与结果(3, 15-17节)是什么?

What did Jesus’ baptism, and the voice from heaven, mean: (a) to Jesus

himself, and (b) to the others present? Cf. John 1:32–34.


Consider the fearless honesty of John. Note also its result (v19, 20).



v22. The voice combines references to the Old Testament Messianic figures of the Son of God (Ps.2:7) and the suffering Servant of the Lord (Is. 42:1), thus setting the tone of Jesus’ ministry. 22节,



Reflections and Prayer 反思祷告

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