The song of Zechariah may be divided thus:
v68–70, thanks to God for the coming of the Messiah;
v71–75, the purpose of the Messiah’s coming;
v76, 77, the mission of John;
v78, 79, a further picture of the Messiah’s coming.
Trace in the song of Zechariah the successive stages in the unfolding of God’s plan of salvation through the Old Testament and up to the coming of the Messiah.
How does it reveal the unity of the Old and New Testaments?
What, according to this song, is the purpose of salvation?
Is this your experience?
v69. ‘A horn of salvation’: i.e., one who is strong to save. The horn of an animal was a
common symbol of strength; cf. Ps. 18:2.
v80. ‘The desert’: the desolate region around the Jordan and the Dead Sea.