Praise and Promise 赞美与应许

In this short chapter, the prophet Isaiah exhorts the people to give thanks for God's punishment (v.1), protection (vv.2-3), pre-eminence (vv.4-5) and presence (v.6). Can you look back now, with praise and gratitude, on a time in your life when you:
a. felt as though God was punishing you?
b. felt as though God was protecting you?
在这短短的篇章中, 先知以赛亚劝诫百姓要感谢上帝的惩罚 (1节)、保护 (2-3节)、超越 (4-5) 和存在 (6节)。
a. 何时你感觉好像上帝在惩罚你?
b. 何时你感觉好像上帝在保护你?
Reflections and Prayer 反思祷告